March 10th, 2025
Summer is here and hurricane season officially kicked off on June 1st. Each year, from the start of June through the end of November, tropical storms and hurricanes rip through our coastal towns and cities leaving major devastation behind. These types of storms are no stranger to those who live on or near the East Coast and The Gulf, but just within the last decade hurricanes have increased significantly and are becoming stronger with each passing season.
This year, the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Association (NOAA) have predicted that there will be an increase in tropical storms from last year’s record-breaking season. According to NOAA, they are estimating roughly around 14-21 storms where 6-10 of those storms could potentially become hurricanes with 3-6 of them ranging from categories 3, 4, and 5. The NOAA says they are providing these statistics and information with 70% confidence.
Many of us know that hurricane season can be a devastating time for those who are affected as they lose access to power and other basic necessities. Because of that, this dangerous and deadly season can be a busy time for utility lineworkers and since there has been a surge in tropical storms the need for them is greater than ever. As most of us know, lineworkers are an integral part of helping with storm damage and their importance does not go unnoticed for their efforts with post storm cleanup and restoration of power back to affected communities.
So, should the public in the most affected areas be concerned about the increase in tropical storms and hurricanes? As long as you and your family are prepared early for the season there isn’t a real need to worry. Just know that if and when disaster hits, lineworkers will be there in full force to help restore your power and bring communities back together.
For more information about the 2022 Hurricane Season prediction visit the NOOA page here.