School Policies

To ensure that an environment is maintained that promotes the highest quality of training and safety for all students, these rules must be followed by every student while enrolled at SLTC.

Tuition Refund Policy

An applicant, accepted, or approved individual may withdraw from the registration process prior to the first day of registration. Those who withdraw from the process before registration day will receive a full refund of all monies paid to SLTC (tuition, lab fee, tools, etc.) minus the $75 application fee.

  • After the first day of attendance, if a student requests to cancel their enrollment, the $950 lab fee for ELP and $600 lab fee for CLP will be prorated for goods or services purchased on behalf of the student and cannot be reused.

  • If an applicant’s enrollment is rejected by the school, the applicant will receive a full refund of all monies paid to the school or its representatives. The denied applicant’s records will be kept on file for at least one year.

  • For a student requesting cancellation of their enrollment after they have started the course, the tuition refund will be pro-rata on the basis of percent of instruction completed on the date of withdrawal up to 50%. Lab fees are non-refundable to the extent that goods and services are purchased on behalf of the student and cannot be reused or canceled.

  • For a student completing more than fifty percent (50%) of instruction time, the institution is not required to issue a refund.

  • In the case of student illness or accident, death in the family, or other circumstances beyond the control of the student, the student shall be entitled to consideration and the school shall make a settlement, which is reasonable to both.

  • All refund requests must be made in writing and any monies due to the student shall be refunded within forty-five (45) days from the termination date.

  • FOR TENNESSEE STUDENTS: Please reference Rule 1540-01-02-.17 Refer to Cancelation and Refund Policy for Tennessee Students section.

  • All monies paid to the school prior to attendance that are not refunded are valid for their original payment value and purpose for 1 calendar year beyond original payment date.

  • If any refund is due, the refund will be made as follows:

    • If tuition was paid via a Sallie Mae Loan or any State Funding (WIOA/TAA), they will be reimbursed first.

    • If tuition was paid personally, it will be refunded to the

    • person who wrote the check or paid with their credit card.

    • For Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits Recipients in accordance with section 1019 of Public Law 116-315, the school will refund the unused portion of prepaid tuition and refundable fees on a pro-rata basis directly to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

For Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits Recipients

(For those who qualify)

SLTC must permit any covered individual to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 (a “certificate of eligibility” can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website – eBenefits, or a VAF 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes) and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  • The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution

  • 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.

SLTC must ensure that your educational institution will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under chapter 31 or 33.

Non-Refundable Fees

The application fee ($75 ELP and CLP) is non-refundable.

FOR TENNESSEE STUDENTS: A $100 administrative fee for ELP and CLP.

Transfer of Credits Policy

Credits earned at Southeast Lineman Training Center may not transfer to another educational institution. You should obtain confirmation that Southeast Lineman Training Center will accept any credits you have earned at another educational institution before you execute an enrollment contract or agreement. You should also contact any educational institutions that you may want to transfer credits earned at Southeast Lineman Training Center to determine if such institutions will accept credits earned at Southeast Lineman Training Center prior to executing an enrollment contract or agreement. The ability to transfer credits from Southeast Lineman Training Center to another educational institution may be very limited. Your credits may not transfer and you may have to repeat courses previously taken at Southeast Lineman Training Center if you enroll in another educational institution. You should never assume that credits will transfer to or from any educational institution. It is highly recommended and you are advised to make certain that you know the transfer of credit policy of Southeast Lineman Training Center and of any other educational institutions you may in the future want to transfer the credits earned at Southeast Lineman Training Center before you execute an enrollment contract or agreement.

FOR TENNESSEE STUDENTS: Students should be aware that transfer of credit is always the responsibility of the receiving institution. Whether or not credits transfer is solely up to the receiving institution. Any student interested in transferring credit hours should check with the receiving institution directly to determine to what extent, if any, credit hours can be transferred.

Veterans & Eligible Persons - Credit for Previous Training

For students seeking evaluation of possible transfer credit, Southeast Lineman Training Center requires students to submit an official transcript. Southeast Lineman Training Center will maintain a written record of previous education and training of all students to include veterans and eligible persons and will indicate if credit for previous education and training has been awarded. Southeast Lineman Training Center will notify the student veteran or eligible person and the Department of Veterans Affairs of credit awarded and any proportionately shortened program relative to the credit in accordance with C.F.R. 21.4254(c)(4).

Drug/Alcohol Policy

SLTC is a drug/alcohol free educational institution. It reserves the right to test all students on a random basis, as well as due to reasonable suspicision. A student’s refusal to participate, or a positive test, will result in immediate expulsion from SLTC. The following rules apply:

  • Students will be randomly drug/alcohol tested.

  • Students will be drug/alcohol tested for reasonable cause/suspicion such as sleeping in class, poor test grades, accidents, odd behavior, etc.

  • Students that test positive for any drug will be terminated.

  • Students may be terminated for refusing a drug/alcohol test.

  • Students who alter, tamper, or in any way compromise the drug/alcohol testing procedure will be terminated.

  • Students who possess, use, or sell any drug/alcohol on the premises will be terminated.

  • Each student must notify SLTC of any prescription drugs they are taking while enrolled at SLTC. If any of the prescriptions would possibly impair the student’s behavior, physically or mentally, then SLTC may dismiss the student from the program.

Attendance Policy for ELP

Regular attendance (Monday through Thursday) will be required of students. Occasionally, Fridays are reserved for third party certification testing. This develops a good work habit that will be required in the chosen career. To maintain satisfactory attendance, students must not have more than five (5) absences. Students who have more than five (5) absences will not receive a certificate of completion in this program and will be terminated. There are no make-ups for missed days.

Attendance Policy for CLP

Regular attendance (Monday through Friday) will be required of students. This develops a good work habit that will be required in the chosen career. To maintain satisfactory attendance, students must not have more than three (3) absences. Students who have more than three (3) absences will not receive a certificate of completion in this program and will be terminated. There are no make-ups for missed days.

Tardy Policy

Students who are late for class will be regarded as tardy. Two tardies for ELP and three tardies for CLP will constitute one unexcused absence. Students who are late for class or who leave 15 (or more) minutes before class ends will be counted absent.

Attendance and Tardy Policy for all Other Programs

Due to the short program length for our Other Programs, no days can be missed. If any days of training are missed, the individual will not meet the minimum requirements for completion of certification. There are no make-ups for missed days.


Students are expected to be honest in their academic work. Graduates are “representatives” of SLTC and the education they receive. If students have a difficult time completing apprenticeship programs, it will reflect not only on the student, but SLTC as well. For these reasons, any academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, and collusion in connection with examinations) will result in automatic expulsion. Assignments must be completed on time – there are no make-up tests, rescheduling of tests, or challenge tests to improve a student’s grade. Students who suffer a hardship may qualify for consideration by the instructor.

Students Grading System

To earn a certificate, you must earn at least 70% final average in each course.

  • 100%-90%=A

  • 89%-80%=B

  • 79%-70%=C

  • 69%-below=F

Students grades will be averaged as follow for each program:

  • All course averages will equal 60% of the final grade.

  • Final exam will equal 40% of final grade. Students must make a 70% on the final exam to earn a Certificate of Completion. Students who score below 70% on the final exam will be terminated.

  • All competencies must be completed and passed in order to receive a certificate. Competencies are pass/fail. Failure to complete a competency will result in termination.

Student Conduct Policy

The following are examples of immediate termination from the school. They include, but are not limited to:

  • any violation of Southeast Lineman Training Center’s rules and/or policies

  • destroying, damaging, or stealing school property

  • using or possessing any illegal substances

  • cheating on exams, quizzes, competencies or any other required evaluations

  • any “horseplay” or other violation of school rules

  • attending class under the influence or intoxicated fighting with students or staff

  • failing to maintain satisfactory progress (i.e. falling below 70% on academic subject)

Student Behavior Assessment Point System

Students will receive points based on their behavior in the following areas. Once a student has accumulated 15 points for ELP an 12 points for CLP, will be terminated from the program.

  • Tardy = 1 point

  • Unexcused Absence = 3 points

  • Leaving School w/o Permission = 5 points

  • Unauthorized Cell Phone Use = 5 points

  • Academic Reprimands = 3 points

  • Field Reprimands = 3 points

  • Failure to Call if Absent or Late = 1 point

  • Unauthorized Use of Library Computers = 3 points

  • Each Below Average Rating on Evaluation = 2 points

  • Other (Sleeping in Class, First CDL Violation) = 3 points

  • Use of Tobacco Products in Building = 3 points

  • Safety Reprimand = 3 points / Repeat Offense = 5 points

  • LMS Violation = 3 points

Termination Policy

The student will be terminated if:

  • student accumulates more than 15 points for ELP and 12 points for CLP on the Behavior Assessment

  • the school’s drug and alcohol policy is violated

  • the school’s attendance policy is violated

  • the school’s student conduct policy is violated

  • all financial obligations set by the school are not met

  • conditions written in the Enrollment Agreement are violated

Re-Enrollment Policy

Students who are dismissed from either Lineworker Program, due to a violation of the SLTC Program Policy, may appeal their dismissal in writing within five (5) calendar days to the appeals committee. If the school appeals committee accepts the appeal the student may re-enroll the next or subsequent term. Tuition for students who re-enroll into the program will be pro-rated to when the student was terminated.

Satisfactory Progress Policy for ELP

Students are expected to maintain satisfactory progress in academics (at least 70% in each academic course), field competencies and certifications completed in the scheduled time frame, and behavior scores must not exceed the required limits. Formal evaluations, during the 15-week program, will occur at weeks 5, 10, and 15 in order to monitor satisfactory progress. Spot evaluations will be made at any time to students demonstrating a deficiency in academics and/or physical performance and/or attitude. Any student not maintaining satisfactory progress will be subject to the probation policies and time-lines listed below.

In no case shall the students training time exceed the maximum time allowance of 500 clock hours to complete the program.

Satisfactory Progress Policy for CLP

Students are expected to maintain satisfactory progress in academics (at least 70% in each academic course), field competencies and certifications completed in the scheduled time frame, and behavior scores must not exceed the required limits. Formal evaluations, will occur at 4 & 8 weeks in order to monitor satisfactory progress. Spot evaluations will be made at any time to students demonstrating a deficiency in academics and/or physical performance and/or attitude. Any student not maintaining satisfactory progress will be subject to the probation policies and timelines listed below.

In no case shall the students training time exceed the maximum time allowance of 320 clock hours to complete the program.

Probation Policy

Probation is given to the student when satisfactory progress is not maintained (see Satsifactory Progress Policies) or when students are within 6 points of maximum points. Students will receive verbal and written notification of their probation status. This status is given with the intent to inform the student on how to best improve performance and succeed in the program. A time frame will be determined as to when satisfactory progress must be achieved. If student fails to improve in his/her deficiency, the student will be terminated from the program.

Grievance/Complaint Policy

Student complaints or concerns should first be brought to the attention of his/her instructor. This may be an informal, private discussion.

  • If the instructor cannot handle the complaint or concern, it should be directed to the Training Director in writing. The Training Director will return a written response to the student within five working days. 

  • The Training Director will notify the appeals committee that there is a grievance. Southeast Lineman Training Center will make every effort within school policy to resolve the grievance fairly and quickly.

  • If the grievance is not resolved at the institutional level the student may contact the Georgia Non-Public Post-Secondary Education Commission at, for Tennessee residents the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, for Kentucky Residents, the Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education (see page 77 for more details on Grievance/Complaint Policy).

Training Director, Curtis Stewart, can be contacted via email at and 706.657.3792 ex 110 and is located at our Main Campus at 9481 US 11, Trenton, GA, 30752

New Student Orientation

The first day of attendance for each starting class is dedicated for new student orientation. This time will include introductions to faculty, policies, and an overview of expectations of the students during their time at SLTC.

Dress Code

In the field and in the classroom: SLTC gray long sleeve shirts are required. Pants should be of durable fabric (denim, wool, etc.). Boots must be leather and cover at least two inches of the ankle. Safety glasses (Shatterproof, ANSI standard Z87) are to be worn when there is a threat of eye injury. Students are encouraged to dress comfortably. Any attire that is considered offensive by faculty or other students will be restricted. Any clothing (or behavior) that inhibits this environment will not be acceptable. 

Offensive attire for the training environment includes clothing or accessories that are inappropriate, disruptive, or disrespectful within a professional environment. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Clothing with offensive or controversial messages or images This encompasses anything with profanity, discriminatory language, political slogans, or imagery that could be interpreted as xx, sexist, or otherwise prejudiced. 

  • Revealing or excessively casual clothing: Attire that is too revealing, such as clothing that exposes undergarments, and low-cut tops.

  • Culturally insensitive clothing: Wearing attire that appropriates or mocks cultural symbols, traditional garments, or religious attire in a disrespectful way is considered offensive.

Request for Transcripts

Graduates may obtain official transcripts at no cost by submitting a written, signed request. The request should include the date, where the transcripts are to be sent, and a signature. The request may be faxed or mailed to SLTC.

Students Records Policy

SLTC will maintain student records permanently. However, for those students who are denied entry records will remain on file for at least one year. These records, at a minimum, will include: a written record of previous education and training; a list of courses taken with credit and/or grades received; dates of attendance; a record of any certificate, diploma or degree earned, and other pertinent information.

Leave of Absence Policy

Students who must take a leave of absence will fall into one of two categories.

Student Hardship

If a student has incurred a hardship beyond his/her control (e.g. accident, an extended illness, or a family tragedy), which has resulted in absenteeism beyond the relative days that are allotted for absences, he/she will be allowed to re-enroll and be given the opportunity to complete the program in one of the next two following enrollment terms.

If the student re-enrolls he/she must attend the program at the week prior to when hardship occured in enrollment of previous attempt, and will be subject to the general requirements for satisfactory completion. No additional tuition will be charged if withdrawn after 50% of the program has been completed. If the student withdraws before 50% of the program has been completed, he/she will be charged a prorated amount of the tuition equal to the amount of weeks unsuccessfully completed. For students to be classified as a hardship they must request for a hardship consideration in writing to the SLTC Executive Committee.

Personal Withdrawal

If a student chooses to withdraw for any reason not considered a hardship, the student is subject to the tuition refund policy. If the student withdraws after completing 50% of the program, they will receive no refund. If the student desires to attend future classes the student will be considered a new student and subject to all standard requirements.

Tobacco Free Institution

Tobacco products and spit cups are not permitted in any building. Smoking is permitted only in designated areas. If you chew, do not spit the chew on the ground.

Equal Opportunity Non-Discrimination Notice

Southeast Lineman Training Center shall provide initial and continuing notice that it does not discriminate on any prohibited ground, to: applicants, eligible applicants, participants, applicants for employment, employees, and members of the public, including those with impaired vision or hearing, and unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with the recipient.

Southeast Lineman Training Center does not deny admission or discriminate against students enrolled at this institution on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or national origin to the extent of the law.

Faculty Qualifications

Faculty members at the Director of Training* level must have at least five of the following qualifications:

  • a relevant baccalaureate degree

  • at least two years of actual administrative or supervisory experience

  • at least six years of applied work experience in training or education

  • experience in designing, managing, and supervising instructional programs

  • must have been a journeyman lineman for at least six years

  • successful completion of a Lineman Apprenticeship recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training Department

Faculty members at the Training Supervisor level must have at least four of the following qualifications:

  • two years teaching experience in a specific field for which training is offered

  • two years employment as a supervisor in a specific field for which training is offered

  • must have been a journeyman lineman for at least four years

  • a relevant baccalaureate degree

  • at least two years related work experience in a field for which training is offered

  • experience in designing, managing, and supervising instructional programs

  • successful completion of a Lineman Apprenticeship recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training Department

Faculty members at the Skills Instructor level must meet the following requirements:

  • at least four years of applied work experience in the line work trad

  • must have been a journeyman lineman for at least two years

  • at least two years experience training apprentice linemen or communications linemen, in the classroom or in the field

  • successful completion of a Lineman Apprenticeship recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training Department

  • successful completion of formalized instruction in training or education; SLTC may provide this training

Faculty members at the Director* level must have at least two of the following qualifications:

  • an earned baccalaureate degree

  • at least one year of actual administrative or supervisory experience

  • at least two years of applied work experience in training or education

Instructor's Pledge to Students

We, as educators and trainers at Southeast Lineman Training Center, solemnly pledge to:

  • treat all students with respect

  • encourage questions and answer them in a positive manner

  • not act in a confrontational manner with students

  • always strive to provide the highest quality of training possible

  • provide a safe and drug-free environment

  • share employment opportunities equally among students

  • evaluate student performance fairly and in a positive manner

  • enforce rules and policies consistently among all students

  • conduct ourselves, at all times, in a professional manner

Student's Grades

Student’s grades will be averaged as follows for each course:

  • All weekly tests = 60% of the final grade.

  • Final exam = 40% of final grade.

All competencies must be completed and passed in order to receive a certificate.

ADA Policy

SLTC does not discriminate in admission or access to our program in the basis of age, race, color, sex disability, sexual orientation or national origin. If you would like to request academic adjustment or auxiliary aids, please contact the SLTC staff. You may request academic adjustments or auxiliary aids at any time. The SLTC staff is responsible for coordination compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Applicants, who are persons with disabilities, as defined in paragraph 104.3(j) of the regulation under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, may apply for admittance into the program. SLTC will work with the applicant or student to determine whether reasonable accommodations can be effective and/or are available.

Any qualified individual with a disability requesting an accommodation or auxiliary aid should follow this procedure:

  1. Notify SLTC in writing of the type of accommodation needed, date needed documentation of the nature and the extent of the disability and of the need for accommodation or auxiliary aid. The request should be made at least four weeks in advance of the date needed. You may contact SLTC at 1-866-461-8026.

  2. An SLTC representative with respond within two weeks of receiving the request.

  3. To make a request after the start of any ELP term, a currently enrolled student will need to make an appointment with an SLTC representative to start the formal request for reasonable accommodation process. Accommodations are not retroactive.

Instructional Language

Southeast Lineman Training Center is an English speaking facility and all instruction is conducted in the English language. Southeast Lineman Training Center does not offer English as a second language (ESL) instruction.

Electronic Devices

Electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones, laptop computers, tablets, and mp3 players can be used on campus outside of normal classroom and field instructional times (before or after school and during breaks). Laptops and/or tablets may be used during classroom lectures only if the instructor allows their use and their use is directly related to the lecture/lesson such as taking notes. Students are responsible for the security of their electronic devices. Southeast Lineman Training Center is not responsible for damages or theft of any electronic devices.

At the instructor’s discretion, a student may be asked to surrender any electronic device found disrupting the learning environment such as but not limited to being a distraction to the instructors, fellow students, or for usage violation. The device will be returned at the end of the day. Violations of this policy will result in a reprimand and repeat violations could result in termination from the program.

Accident Reporting Policy

In the event that an accident or injury occurs while attending Southeast Lineman Training Center, the student’s instructor will be required to complete the “Reportable Accident Form” explaining the incident. The student will be asked to make a decision whether they want to be treated by a physician. The student must then sign the form along with his instructor and also any witnesses who may have seen the accident/injury. Any witnesses will be asked to make a statement in writing regarding the incident and sign the form as well. This form will be kept in the student’s permanent record.

Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education

Filing a Complaint with the Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education

To file a complaint with the Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education, a complaint shall be in writing and shall be filed on Form PE-24, Form to File a Complaint, accompanied, if applicable, by Form PE-25, Authorization for Release of Student Records.

The form must be mailed to the following address:

Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education

500 Mero Street, 4th Floor

Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

Forms may be located at

Existence of the Kentucky Student Protection Fund

Pursuant to KRS 165A.450 All licensed schools, resident and nonresident, shall be required to contribute to a student protection fund. The fund shall be used to reimburse eligible Kentucky students, to pay off debts, including refunds to students enrolled or on leave of absence by not being enrolled for one (1) academic year or less from the school at the time of the closing, incurred due to the closing of a school, discontinuance of a program, loss of license, or loss of accreditation by a school or program.

Process for Filing a Claim Against the Kentucky Student Protection Fund

To file a claim against the Kentucky Student Protection Fund, each person filing must submit a signed and completed Form for Claims Against the Student Protection Fund, Form PE-38 and provide the requested information to the following address:

Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education

500 Mero Street, 4th Floor

Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

Tennessee Higher Education Commission

[A]ny person claiming damage or loss as a result of any act or practice by this institution that may be a violation of the Title 49, Chapter 7, Part 20 or Rule Chapter 1540-01-02 may file a complaint with the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Division of Postsecondary State Authorization after exhausting the grievance process at the institution. THEC’s address is:

Tennessee Higher Education Commission

312 Rosa L. Parks Ave., 9th Floor

Nashville, TN 37243

Telephone number is 615-741-1346


FOR TENNESSEE STUDENTS: Cancelation and Refund Policy

(a) A student who at any time withdraws, is withdrawn (including expulsion) by the institution, or otherwise fails to attend class is entitled to a full refund of any fee, regardless of whether the fee is included in tuition, paid to the institution for tangible goods or services not delivered to or fully provided to the student.

(b) In addition to subparagraph (3)(a) of this rule, if a student fails to begin class on the program start date as written in the enrollment agreement or as amended by the institution, the refund shall equal the sum of all refundable fees paid and, if the student has institutional loans, forgiveness of the amounts owed by the student, less an administrative fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00).

(c) In addition to subparagraph (43)(a) of this rule, if after the program has commenced and before expiration of twenty percent (20%) or less of the period of enrollment for which the student was charged, a student withdraws, is withdrawn (including expulsion) by the institution, or otherwise fails to attend classes, the refund shall be a pro rata portion of refundable fees, less an administrative fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00). If applicable, the refund shall include forgiveness of institutional loans. For example, if a student’s last day of attendance equals ten percent (10%) of the period of enrollment for which the student was charged, the institution is entitled to retain only ten percent (10%) of the refundable fees charged for the period of enrollment as well as one hundred dollars ($100.00). However, in no instance will the institution be responsible for any refund in excess of the amount paid by or on behalf of the student for the period of enrollment for which the student was charged.

(d) Except as provided for in subparagraph (3)(a) of this rule, if after expiration of twenty percent (20%) of the period of enrollment for which the student was charged, a student withdraws, is withdrawn (including expulsion) by the institution, or otherwise fails to attend classes, the student may be deemed obligated for one hundred percent (100%) of the refundable fees charged by the institution up to the last period of enrollment charged.

(e) For a student who cannot complete one (1) or more classes because the institution discontinued such a class during a period of enrollment for which the student was charged, the institution shall refund the sum of all refundable fees paid and, if the student has institutional loans, forgive the amounts owed by the student.

(4) For purposes of calculating percentages of attendance in clock hour programs the number of scheduled hours up to the last date of attendance will be the numerator. For credit hour programs, percentages are calculated based on calendar days.

(5) When computing refunds pursuant to the refund policy, the last day of attendance for a student who meets the definition of enrolled shall be either: (a) The date of the student’s last recorded day of attendance or (b) When applicable, the date the student failed to return from an approved leave of absence.

FOR TENNESSEE STUDENTS: Complaint/Grievance Policy

Any person claiming damage or loss as a result of any act or practice by this institution that may be a violation of the Title 49, Chapter 7, Part 20 and Rule Chapter 1520-01-02 may file a complaint with the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC), Division of Postsecondary State Authorization. THEC only investigates complaints that have exhausted an institution’s policy and that have not been resolved at the institution level. See THEC contact information following this section. If you have any questions regarding the complaint process you may contact Julie Woodruff at or 615-253-8857

Educational Authorizations

Georgia Non Public Postsecondary Education Commission

2082 East Exchange Place, Ste 220

Tucker, Georgia 30084


Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education

500 Mero Street, 4th Floor

Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

Tennessee Higher Education Commission

312 Rosa L. Parks Ave., 9th Floor

Nashville, TN 37243
